{{specificationCode.code + ' ' + specificationCode.specificationName}}
德凡仪器是德国DURAN /肖特的中国一级代理商。DURAN Group是全球知名的高硼硅玻璃制造商,精良的质量及技术革新能力,成为化学、医药及科研领域的全球指标
DURAN 平口试管 厚壁
Tube, test, straight rim
DURAN 翻口试管 厚壁
Tube, test, beaded rim
DURAN Fiolax 翻口试管一次性
DURAN 低型烧杯
Beaker, Griffin, LowForm
DURAN 高型烧杯 具倾倒口
Beaker, tall form, with spout
DURAN 高型烧杯 无倾倒口
DURAN 低型烧杯 厚唇
Beaker, super duty, low form, with spout
DURAN 高型烧杯 厚唇
Beaker, super duty, high form, with spout
DURAN 广口磨口试剂瓶
Bottle, Reagent, wide neck, standard ground joint, with glass stopper
DURAN 棕色广口磨口试剂瓶
Bottle, Reagent, wide neck, Amber, standard ground joint, with glass stopper
DURAN 窄口磨口试剂瓶
Bottle, Reagent, narrow neck, standard ground joint, with glass stopper
DURAN 棕色窄口磨口试剂瓶
Bottle, Reagent, narrow neck, Amber, standard ground joint, with glass stopper